
金石堂網路書店 文學推薦 zine無限誌(英文版) 2017第18期

金石堂網路書店 文學推薦

zine無限誌(英文版) 2017第18期

zine無限誌(英文版) 2017第18期 評價










zine無限誌(英文版) 2017第18期







zine無限誌(英文版) 2017第18期


TV navi SMILE Vol.24

Girls plus Vol.2 4月號2017



    ZINE mag is an online and biannually printed magazine devoted to the products that make contemporary urban life exciting. The core behind the magazine is to enlighten the genuine aspects of youth and of the new emerging generation. In searching the chemistry in between the captions ' individuality, art & innovation “, we explore the worlds of art and fashion to challenge cultural trends and produce innovative imagery, focusing on the ever-changing world of fashion, contemporary art and beauty. We’re looking towards imperfections. An imperfection where a timeless compilation of so call beautiful things can easily integrate into what we define “Ugly Pretty”. In light of our concerns, our aim is to set a new point of view with visual culture, art and fashion. We prefer to the basic genuine youth in expressing themselves, from where everything should be re-define.

    ZINE mag is supplemented with, Instagram and Facebook, providing a drip feed of fashion, art, beauty and TV.

I'm always drawn to people with very different viewpoints, to see how they work and how they react in front of different difficulties and ideas, where what I have is such a privilege to learn, to get inspired and to inspire. My core is always about what people enjoy having on in the moment. I started off with menswear, but then it just ends up going wherever it wants to go. Here I am, Zine!

When I first came about these, picked up curating and rebranding the magazine, first thought was what’s next for it? New collaborators, new ideas, new possibilities! There are limitless things for us to find out about, that's what keeps us going, I thought. What came to my mind next was, since I'm a psycho and I know I need another to make it as a whole, Lin!

It was an early discussion between Lin and myself that we thought we would take the idea on working alongside closely years ago. We always wanted to avoid having the same old routine. We care about people, the communication in between. Then it was the very first shoot of us in year 2012 that decided it, we started talking and stayed up for hours and days. The magic was there and the shoot was a continuation of energy, there goes the us now. We were always excited just to talk and see where things led. It's often hard to remember if what we discussed at the start is reflected in what it ultimately turned into, we often had to go through that process in order to get here, it’s the process that’s always priceless.

I’ve learnt much along the way with her, for want of a better word, we are the explorers. It felt like I was fresh out of school, insane highs and lows with her throughout the years. Working alongside with her gave me a goal to work towards. I am fascinated by the way Lin’s mind works and I love being able to work with her at this level of creative intimacy. As for her work, they cannot be pinned down to one thing, because she was never just that one thing. Her images always have the magnetism that would continuously pull you in.

The great thing is now we can really focus on the quality of our work, the idea behind it. A part of me thinks that a great fashion magazine is a powerful trigger to future desires, it not necessarily needs to tell a narrative driven story. I prefer not to explain what we define the issue, Silhouette.

It often happen to be like that; the creative part of it, some think it’s the practicality of it. Sometimes, they're fighting, sometimes we were fighting. It's more interesting to allow the visuals to be seen without offering introductions or explanations. I want it to be more about what the viewer think it means, probably you can tell us how you feel bout the first ever rebranded issue. It's exciting when someone you know likes what you do, but it's even more exciting when you go somewhere and you see a stranger having it in between their arms, wondering their thoughts about it.

So grab it, enjoy and do take risks creatively !


    013 When Skin Was Just Skin #1
    023 Thierry Du Bois
    034 Interview of Sirloin
    040 Too Good Be True
    044 Kate Fichard
    056 In Conversation With Jolin Tsai
    062 Frank Herfort
    064 Good Enough For Now
    068 Hector Lujan
    074 Interview of This Is Not Clothing
    078 Louis De Belle
    083 The Study of Rei Kawakubo
    094 Meatwreck
    102 Sweet And Sour
    106 Alexandra Von Fuerst
    114 Earn A Living, Live As You Earn
    130 Kristianburford
    137 FabianBuergy
    141 #Pee-Ka-Boo #IMissYou
    152 Interview of Roberts | Wood
    177 Reaching The Stars


  • 刊別:季刊

  • 級別:普遍級

  • 出版社:東樂文化
  • 出刊日:2017/7/1
  • 出版地:台灣
  • 語言:英文

7net折價券zine無限誌(英文版) 2017第18期

    創作者 rickyh1g83rim 的頭像


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